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Fuel Injectors

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Fuel injection is the process by which fuel is introduced into an internal-combustion engine. Fuel injection, in an internal combustion engine, the introduction of fuel into the cylinders by means of a pump rather than by suction created by the movement of the pistons. The process is typically completed by a fuel injector. It is a critical component of the modern automobile, responsible for atomizing and injecting fuel into the combustion chamber. Therefore, the injector is considered the "heart" of the engine.

Step 1: Prepare an injector cleaner kit that fits your vehicle and a cleaning fluid.

Step 2: Locate your injector.

Step 3: Separate the fuel pump from the injector.

Step 4: Pour the injector cleaner into the canister.

Step 5: Hang the canister from the underside of the hood to ensure a steady flow of cleaner into your vehicle's fuel injectors.

Step 6: Screw the end of the cleaner kit hose onto the vehicle's fuel rail at the test port.

Step 7: Remove the cap from the fuel tank to prevent pressure build-up.

Step 8: Rotate the vehicle to allow the cleaning fluid to enter the injectors.

Step 9: Remove the cleaning kit and reinstall your pump and injectors.

Step 10: Turn the vehicle on again to make sure the injectors are working.

Method 1: Test the TBI injectors by checking the fuel spray. Remove the cover from the air cleaner housing. Then start the engine. Finally, inspect the spray pattern coming out of the injector to see if it's in an inverted V pattern.

Method 2: Test EFI injectors by listening. Prepare a long, commercially available screwdriver. Start the vehicle and allow the engine to idle. Open the hood with the parking brake applied. Place the tip of the screwdriver on an injector. Place your ear close to the wand and listen for a click. If the injector is working properly, you will hear a click inside. Repeat for each injector.

Method 3: Check an injector coil with a multimeter. With the engine off, unplug the electrical connector of the injector you want to test. Set your digital multimeter to an appropriate value on the ohms scale according to the resistance specifications for your particular injector. Probe the injector's electrical terminals. A resistance reading other than that specified in your service manual (most injectors should read between 10 and 18 ohms) means that you need to replace the injector.

Step 1: Allow the vehicle to cool for 30-45 minutes.

Step 2: Disconnect the battery.

Step 3: Disconnect each injector's electrical connector with pliers.

Step 4: Remove the injector connectors from the fuel rail.

Step 5: Use a socket wrench or screwdriver to unlock the fuel rail.

Step 6: Gently rock the injectors until they pop out.

Step 7: Inspect the new injectors and make sure they all have new O-rings on the top and bottom.

Step 8: Lubricate the O-rings with a very small amount of grease.

Step 9: Slide the new injectors into their slots on the fuel rail.

Step 10: Press the rail down evenly with the palm of your hand and install the bolts into the fuel rail.

Step 11: Reinstall all connectors and clips that hold the fuel rail in place.

Step 12: Turn the key to 'On'.

Step 13: Wait 20-30 seconds before starting the engine.

Step 14: After the engine has dropped to normal idle speed, turn the engine off.

Step 15: Take a flashlight and check all injectors for fuel leaks.

Typically, each of these cylinders has one injector. Therefore, the number of injectors in your vehicle depends on the type of engine you have. The typical engine has 4, 6, or 8 cylinders, and each of these cylinders will have one injector. This means that an engine will have a total of either 4, 6, or 8 injectors. In short, the number of injectors varies from car to car. The same is true for pickup trucks and SUVs. The total number of injectors in a pickup truck or SUV would depend on its engine.

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